Project If Life Journey Update

What’s the furthest you’ve ever run at one time?

For Anna Hoduski (23) pushing that limit is a daily question in her journey across America to bring awareness to the pro-life cause.

Her mission is called Project If Life, which launched July of 2016 from the Kansas-Missouri border. Hoduski ran 1,700 miles to Santa Monica Beach in California. She averaged 10-20 miles a day of running.

Cactus thorns, rattlesnakes, blizzards… sometimes it has been a true challenge to complete what she started out to do. She says that the Rocky Mountains were definitely the hardest part of the journey. “We slept in our van for most of the Western half. Sometimes it got so cold that the water bottles by our heads would freeze. I remember, at one point, we camped out and our tent collapsed with snow.”

“The run across America symbolizes the commitment and endurance that pro-lifers need in their quest to bring equality to the unborn,” says Hoduski.

Anna has spoken across America. “We educate people about abortion and then activate them into the movement. The run across America provides a platform for speaking engagements- colleges, churches, schools, youth groups, and Bible studies. Basically, anywhere that will open their door, we’ll be there to share the importance of life.”

Her favorite thing to share about is how unique every individual is from conception. She says, “I love that from when we were one cell big our foot size, our height, even having a corky laugh is already part of who we are. I like that it has been proven that babies bounce up and down with joy when their parents laugh and that studies have shown that even in the womb babies have a sweet tooth.”

Hoduski says that, “One of the funniest things that happened on this trip was one time on the Western half we became unwitting pet sitters. We found ourselves feeding snakes, Peregrin falcons, horses, and a ton of other random animals. It was definitely an experience.”

Anna Hoduski is excited to finish this journey. She and her team finished the Western half in June of this year. After getting knee injuries in Kansas City, she switched to cycling for the Eastern half of crossing the United States.

“Mostly, it’s been a great adventure though. We’ve met so many amazing pro-lifers. One of the most inspiring parts of this journey is that the individuals that aid the unborn will probably never get to meet the people that they help. They are truly giving in secret to those that cannot return their aid. There are so many wonderful people across the country fighting for this cause.”

The cycling portion is 1,100 miles. Currently, Anna has under two hundred miles left of her quest. She will be finishing October 15 at the Lincoln Memorial, where she will be speaking at a pro-life rally celebrating the completion of the journey and sharing the message of equality for the unborn.

You are invited to attend the free event at 7:00pm on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC, where Americans United for Life and other pro-life groups will also be sharing.