PROJECT IF LIFE Blog: October 13, 2017

October 13, 2017

Our Dear Friends and Family,


Anna is engaged! Yesterday, Megan and I took her to the DC Memorial and her boyfriend, James Strasburg surprised her. He took her to a French Patisserie and then to see the city from the original US Postal Service. Later, they went up to the National Cathedral Rose Garden, where Megan and I were hiding. James proposed in an ancient stone Gazebo overlooking the garden and cathedral. It was lovely! We are SO happy for them!

We are at the Family Research Council Event, this morning waiting to hear President Trump speak! Anna is a table host at the event, tonight! We are thrilled to be here. We get to hear David Daleiden of the Center Medical Progress, Lila Rose of Live Action, Alveda King the niece of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and others! It’s a grand collective of many of our pro-life heroes. We have been up since the wee hours for the event.

Doors are also being opened for our upcoming event: we needed chairs and the Weavers are coming through for us on them. We needed a sound system and Mr. Spencer Clarke and Mr. Boyd Beck are bringing a sound system from Kansas City from our friend Mr. Gordon. They are also bringing lights for the event.

We are going to have Americans United for Life and the Family Research Council speaking at our event on Sunday, which is super exciting! Amy Cheng with the FRC has been great— finding James a place to stay and into this FRC event, today!

We are thrilled at the kindness of God and all of the opportunities we have had! Thanks for praying!

All our love,

Sarah-Marie Hoduski

& The Project If Life Team