The 12 Most Ridiculous Claims Made by Abortion Abettors

The 12 Most Ridiculous Claims Made by Abortion Abettors

By Sarah-Marie Hoduski

  1. My body my choice.

A) It’s not just a mother’s body involved: it’s also her child’s body. Their bodies are so different that a mother may not even be able to donate blood to her baby. What isn’t said enough is that it is also her partner’s body involved. It’s half her partner’s child.

B) Dependency/Viability are moving targets; as science progresses, younger children are capable of surviving outside of the womb. In fact, an artificial womb has been developed that supports life from the human equivalent of 23 weeks gestation. It has only been used for lambs, but it may be released in the next 5 years. Science now proves unborn children are moving toward the capacity of living independently from their mother.

C) Autonomy is limited: we have gun safety laws, and it’s illegal to drive drunk: what we do with our bodies to other people has consequences. Just because something can be done with one’s body does not entitle one to do it.

2) Money, career, and keeping a relationship status are mitigating factors in whether or not someone should live.

Thirty percent of abortions are done because of money. That means more than 1000 child deaths a day are financially motivated. In the abortion wars, a career is considered a respected factor in life or death situations— Followed to its logical conclusion economic stability is more important than a life. Reality is that if one puts one’s boss in the ground to get ahead: straight to jail.

3) Protecting the unborn is not for men.

A) See outrageous claim number ONE, A. Each partner’s involvement entitles them to both obligation and the privilege of protecting their baby.

B) The majority of women say that if their partner had supported them, then they would not have considered having an abortion. Translation: men have a huge role in saving lives through being protectors of their partners and their children.

C) Roe v Wade was decided by 8 male Supreme Court Justices. The biggest decision ever made about abortion was made by men: if the male gender precludes someone from the abortion debate then Roe v Wade should be overturned.

4) Don’t like abortion don’t have one.

Like abortion is a matter of preference. Whip or no whip. Rollercoaster or roller derby. Whatever someone’s beliefs about abortion: life and death cannot be debated as a matter of taste.

5) There is no fall out from abortion.

David C. Reardon, Ph.D. with After Abortion:

  • The risk of breast cancer doubles
  • Leads to pregnancy complications that are the leading causes of handicapped newborns in later pregnancies and are contributive to future miscarriages
  • Endometriosis— especially in post-abortive teens
  • For the year after an abortion women visited their doctors 80% more for general physical health issues and 180% more for psychological diagnoses

Please note that these numbers reflect women who have only had one abortion. The risk for the more than 45 percent of women that have more than one abortion goes up.

6) There is a right to privacy in the Constitution.

A) There isn’t.

B) If there was, it would be suspended in cases of criminality. If the police hear someone banging around in the trunk of my car then I lose the right to privacy. I am not permitted to cart him away, and they are free to let the poor fellow out. Unborn children should have the same rights. The ACLU agrees, “The right to privacy is not mentioned in the Constitution, but the Supreme Court has said that several of the amendments create this right. One of the amendments is the Fourth Amendment, which stops the police and other government agents from searching us or our property without “probable cause” to believe that we have committed a crime.” 

7) Abortion helps minorities and the poor.

A) Abortion was founded by an avowed and ardent racist to eradicate African Americans. Eugenicist legend Margaret Sanger, was the Planned Parenthood founder that said, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” She believed poverty was evidence of genetic inferiority, and that the poor should be prevented from having children.

B) She succeeded, largely. Twenty five percent of African Americans have been aborted.

8) It’s just a clump of cells.

The sugar grains in a bowl are a clump of cells. The individuals in wombs are the one’s capable of tasting that sugar. In the womb, they experience dreaming, laughing, crying, pain, and music. It is a matter of Sentience vs. Saccharin.

9) Pro-Life is only Pro-Birth. They don’t care about women or children that are already born.

Crisis Pregnancy centers outnumber abortion clinics 5 to 1. They help parents throughout the entire pregnancy and for up to three years after. They provide free ultrasounds, classes on how to mother a new baby, STD testing, career counseling, budget classes, maternity clothes, food, and diapers and Christmas gifts for children that are already born.

10) If abortion is made illegal, there won’t be homes for all the children.

For every baby that gets adopted THIRTY SIX couples are still waiting for their baby.

11) Abortion should be legalized because of cases of rape and incest.

A) Rape and incest represent one percent of all pregnancies. Those that assert these are the only exceptions to abortion are advocating that more than 99 percent of abortions should be illegal.

B) Apply the rape and incest test to someone that has a toddler conceived out of rape. It is unacceptable to end the life of that toddler; similarly, it is morally unacceptable to end the life of a child before they are born.

C) Abortion in cases of raper is a double crime against a woman; she has been dehumanized by a rapist, and then she and her child have been dehumanized by their abortionist.

D) An accused rapist is entitled to due process, an unborn child has no rights under current US law; even when a rapist is proven guilty, a woman goes to jail for taking vigilante justice against the rapist, while she is permitted to end the life of the innocent child.

E) A rapist sentenced to death is entitled to a painless death. The US has laws against cruel and unusual punishment. However, the unborn child doesn’t have the decency of a painless, state execution. In fact, in states without fetal pain laws the abortion process is horrible indeed for the unborn.

12) Life begins when we breathe. Have a heart beat. Aren’t dependent on their mothers.

A) In his lust for an heir, Quickening was used by King Henry the VIII to determine pregnancy. It was the best medicine could do at that time. Quickening, breathing, and heart beats are all very outdated methods of determining when life begins. People that believe these traits of breath or a heart beat as determining humanity are behind the times. Modern science asserts that life begins at conception.

B) Being dependent on other people is not a crime we punish with death in this country.

C) Dependency/Viability are moving targets; (see ridiculous claim number ONE.B.)

D) People on respirators, using pace makers, and suffering from amnesia are in grave danger if these subjective standards are applied to whether or not a life can be taken.
