September 9, 2017
Our Dear Friends and Family,
Yesterday, we met with Kentucky Lieutenant Governor Jenean Hampton! What an awesome example for women to look up to!
She grew up in a poor district of Detroit and is now an outspoken and active politician advocating for pro-life. We also got to meet Lorrie Parker with Right to Life; they have done an amazing job pushing pro-life laws! The entire building seems full of Believers and kindness: we met with Jon Park who helps coordinate with those who reach out to the Governor’s office; he loves his job and simply glows about his state’s connection with Pres. Abraham Lincoln. He gave us an impromptu tour of the capitol building, which we loved!
We checked our phones outside the courtroom: next to a Planned Parenthood phone.
Adventures: we sneaked in to listen to what may be a historical landmark case at the Louisville Courthouse. If the judge sides against Planned Parenthood it will mean that Kentucky will be the first state to be abortion clinic free! We visited Kentucky’s last abortion clinic. A pro-life organization: Women’s Pregnancy Resource Center set up shop RIGHT next door.
It’s official! The team is going to finish at the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday, October 15th. We have the Memorial reserved from 6-10pm. Come hear Anna speak if you can! We would love to see you!
Kentucky’s last Planned Parenthood abortion clinic next to a crisis pregnancy center.
Anna spoke at Landmark Baptist Church on Wednesday: we are very excited that after hearing Annie speak, a lady approached us to ask for help adopting children! Thirty-six couples wait for every baby that is adopted. Planned Parenthood has really sold the lie that there are unwanted children. Hannah Malachuk hosted the team while we were at Landmark Baptist Church: she and her roommates were super sweet! We were so snug.
Guess what! Andy Gwynn is releasing another Project If video this Sunday; we are stoked! He did our last team video. He is a masterful story teller: his work lends the team a credibility that couldn’t otherwise be achieved in three minutes. It’s a testament to allowing the Lord to use your gifts and doing work with excellence. We need your help putting the video out: please comment, share, and like at 11:30am CT this Sunday.
Heads up, Ohio is deciding on September 12th on a huge piece of pro-life legislation: they are calling it their biggest piece of pro-life legislation ever, according to Ohio Right to Life. Something practical you can do is contact their offices in support of enforcing medical safety restrictions on abortion clinics. Those restrictions are on the books; it’s just that abortion clinics consider themselves above commons sense safety practices.
Such a GREAT, full day!
All Our Love,
Sarah-Marie Hoduski
Project If Life Team