Pirate Ship Down

Pirate Ship Down
Why it’s safer to be captured by Somali Pirates then to be born in some parts of America.
By Sarah-Marie Hoduski  

They are some of the most dangerous waters in the world.

We held our breath as we learned that Somalian pirates had boarded an American ship and taken its captain hostage. Captain Phillips had been taken by the pirates at his own request: courageously, he offered himself in exchange for his crew.

Retired Rear Adm. Terry McKnight, who commanded U.S. naval forces off Somalia during the Maersk Alabama standoff, describes the crisis in his book, Pirate Alley. Although Team Six: a Navy Seal team was stationed 8,000 miles away, they were brought in to recover Captain Philips. A “lethal and secretive” team— they are the same specialized Seal Team that took out Osama Bin Laden, according to Wired.

After the pirates fired shots toward Captain Phillips, the Seals struck: “Each of the three pirates was struck in the head, a deliberate shot that is used to kill a target while making sure that he doesn’t have an involuntary muscle response and pull the trigger on the automatic weapon in his hand,” McKnight writes.

Wired continues, “Phillips’ captors were dead; the captain was free. A pirate standoff that could have ended in disaster instead resolved itself without any American blood shed – thanks in large part to a small team of far-flying, night-parachuting, sharpshooting Navy commandos, with an assist from a Somali linguist.”

There is a code that when an American is in trouble we go to great lengths to rescue them. It is admirable. It is noble to be loyal and spend ourselves in the defense and salvation of even a few citizens.

However, today, a silent hostage crisis is unfolding. More than three thousand young lives are in the balance. But no one waits with bated breath to see if the Seals will come to the rescue. No one is hanging on the news cycle to see their fate. No one is coming for the more than three thousand children that will lose their lives to abortion, today.

Abortion has made the womb the most dangerous waters on earth.

There is much apathy toward these victims. Their lives are debated vaguely like possible chess moves— figments and futures that only exist in terms of sporting strategy.

In esoteric self-indulgence, Roe v. Wade Chief Justice Blackmun claimed the courts had no way of saying when life begins. He writes of the the case:

We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins. When those trained in the respective disciplines of medicine, philosophy, and theology are unable to arrive at any consensus, the judiciary, at this point in the development of man’s knowledge is not in a position to speculate as to the answer.” (Emphasis mine)

If the justices were’t sure if each abortion ends a life —why were they permitted to rule on whether a life might be taken? They’re judges. Seemingly, the capacity to determine between justice and murder is their jurisdiction…their job description. If they were unsure, why not error with their duty, on the side of not risking taking a life?

Accordingly, abortion is treated as philosophical whipped cream: to be taken as desired. A matter of personal choice. Nonetheless, philosophy, world views have consequences. The consequential weight of this whipped cream whitewashing of the Abortion Wars has resulted in the deaths of more than 59 million children.

Even if Justice Blackmun could afford himself the luxury of being unsure about the state of the lives of unborn children, modern science asserts that these are children.

The progression of ultrasounds, pre-natal care, and genetics has progressed beyond science’s capacity for wishy-washy whipped cream winsomeness like Blackmun’s.

Scientists’ conviction. Their sure knowledge of the impending doom of so many should bear weight. The mobocratic decision in favor of abortion should yield to the advancement of enlightenment.

In discussing the way that pre-natal care has advanced, OBGYN Dr. Richard Lile discussed operations on twins that are still in the womb: if one twin is removed from the womb for surgery that baby immediately receives all the rights and protection of an American citizen. Killing the twin outside of the womb is legally murder, while ending the life of her identical twin is perfectly lawful.

Disturbingly, there is even open hostility toward unborn children.

The media paints the unborn as aggressors: it treats the unborn as though they hold their parents hostage. It is a fantastic piece of propaganda that children should be criminalized for their dependence. It is very twisted to suggest that being the weaker party makes YOU the captor.

Abortion is the only discussion in which individuals are criminalized for their weakness. The hostages on the Maersk Alabama were not criminalized for being weaker than the Somalian Pirates. Imagine the headlines—Hostages of Maersk Alabama sentenced by human rights court. Crime: dependence on their Somalian Pirate captors. Sentence: death.

Somalian pirates are not victims of their power; no one thinks their hostages’ relative weakness makes the hostages criminals. Yet, why does the US government treat the weakness of a child, their dependence on a parent as a crime that may be sentenced to death?

The strong are not victimized by their power over others or by others’ dependence on them; the virtue of strength does not entitle the strong to the lives of the weak. Neither are the unborn aggressors. Abortion’s political platforms force unborn citizens to walk the plank.

And so thousands of children would wish that they had had the opportunity to be captured by Somalian Pirates rather than face the perils of abortion. At least in that scenario there is a chance someone might come for them.

America flew a Seal team of warriors 8,000 miles for the recovery of one of its own, and we did more than just recover our own: in response to the attacks, America has essentially put Somalian pirates out of business, according to CNBC, the Horn of Africa saw attacks shrink after the 2009 attack from 197 to 13. Captain Phillips says, “The Horn of Africa is slowing down because the cop is on the beat there.”

More than half of Americans openly acknowledge that over 3,300 unborn children are being murdered daily. We are a compassionate, loyal nation, and we need to expend our resources and our energy in their defense. We can each be a Captain Phillips. We can give ourselves in exchange for the unborn, but we must also call on the rest of America to reject the propaganda of the Abortion Wars. We must put piratical abortionists out of business. We must recover our own.

Send in the Seals for those who need saving.

  1. https://www.wired.com/2012/10/navy-seals-pirates/
  2. https://www.cnbc.com/2014/09/15/worlds-most-pirated-waters.html