PROJECT IF Blog: July 25, 2017

July 25, 2017
Our Dear Friends and Family,

We Made it to Jefferson City! This portion of the run is something we have eagerly anticipated since we began planning the route for Project If.

An exciting thing happened this last week: I was on a journey to find wifi– I went to 6 places and none of them could support work; finally, I ended up at Hardee’s, where I met a couple that was excited about the Project. They bought my cousin and I lunch and proceeded to introduce us to the Mo. State Representative Dean Dohrman who happened to be eating at Hardee’s too! He was also excited about the Project and wrote us into his capitol report!

This week, we also met with Life Runners, which was a really encouraging experience! They prayed with us outside of the Missouri state capitol. Their vision of unity and joy for the pro life movement were inspiring.

Finally, yesterday, we met with Mo. Governor Eric Greitens, State Representative Paul Curtman, and Rep. Curtman’s assistant, Ryan Clearwater. They were fabulous! Gov. Greitens was so kind and Rep. Curtman and Mr. Clearwater gave us a tour of the capitol, which they made super funny and informative! It’s a beautiful building!

Missouri has a pro life initiative that is going before their State Senate on Wednesday that addresses St. Louis’ attempt to become the nation’s first abortion sanctuary. Please be praying that their work is successful in promoting the cause of the unborn.

It’s has been quite warm, with a 106 degree heat index, but Annie is pressing on with her biking! In addition, Megan has been doing a great job connecting us across the state with representatives and media.

All our love,
Sarah-Marie Hoduski
Project IF Life