Project IF Blog: July 18, 2017

July 18, 2017
Our Dear Friends and Family,

We are on our way! After a short sabbatical, we have left Kansas City. Our parents, Mark and Jeanne Hoduski were wonderful hosts and are so grateful to have such kind, wise, and fun parents. The time here was full of meaningful experiences and fun times: Worship time, brunches, and bonfires were some highlights of ours stay.
As recently announced, after advice from her doctors and the project board, Annie will be alternating biking and running for the Eastern half. This seems to be the most conducive option both for Annie’s physical health and for what we are called to do the second leg. Thank you so much for the outpouring of support and encouragement in this difficult decision! Essentially, this decision came out of Annie’s ongoing trouble with her knees and hips. She has been very courageous. We know that God has a plan and we are continually working to align our hearts with his plan and his pace. These moments have quickly become some of the most faith building and paradoxically blessed aspects of this adventure! Please be praying for Annie’s health and for the rest of the team.

Ben finished his scheduled physical portion of the run; he will continue in his role as editor, public relations manager, and marketing expert from Portland. We are grateful for his adaptable spirit: carpenter, worship leader, videographer, running mate, social media expert, tailor, financier— in so many capacities Ben was our go to guy. We are grateful that he is part of the team!

Megan’s parents, the Maiers blessed us with a road bike! It was such a kind investment in this second half! Megan and our brother Alex Hoduski took the trouble of driving all the way to Chicago to retrieve it this past weekend.

One of our favorite highlights was a great meeting with Mindy Thybolt. She and her husband are the Director’s for Life for International House of Prayer. They have a Wilberforce style vision for a petition to the Supreme Court to overturn Roe V. Wade. The Thybolt family has truly lived out their faith! They already have three seven year old adopted girls, and they recently adopted quadruplet embryos that Mindy will be a surrogate mother to! What an amazing testimony! Please take two minutes to sign the petition at .

We are stoked to have a mailing list starting this week! It feels like Christmas! Subscribe at for blogs, articles and updates!

All our love,
Sarah-Marie Hoduski