A Lobster Quadrille of Strange Symptoms

By Sarah-Marie Hoduski, Kansas City, Mo.

Announcing a place where those suffering from chronic Lobster empathy can retreat: In Maine, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has spent $200,000 renovating a former prison to serve as a tangible metaphor of the enduring trials of the lobster. (1)
Whatever the particular catalysts for Lobster empathy, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) openly warns consumers that many household medicines may cause any number of similarly bizarre side effects, not the least of which include disappearing fingerprints, compulsive gambling, and sleep-cooking disorders. (2)
Fortunately, in the United States, drug companies are required to report the adverse effects of their medications. These extensive lists of innumerable convoluted possibilities can make for grimly comical reading, but at least you know what you are getting into.
Do you know the history of the FDA’s formation? It is actually the Socialist Manifesto that indirectly prompted our nation’s regulation of food and drug industries. (3)
Muckraker, Upton Sinclair went undercover to expose the horrendous conditions of the Working Class. For research, he took a job at a meat packing plant. He describes his experience in his book, The Jungle, and documents such atrocities as sawdust fillers, rat bodies, and Borax thrown into the meat. He further recounts entire rooms of meat stored in huge piles and a nauseating bi-annual cleaning of the “waste-hopper”—This hodgepodge of leftover meat, rotting garbage, rust, stale water and discarded nails was periodically ground into the meat. (4)
Although this work was intended to bring about a Socialist Revolution, the public instead, being horrified by the conditions of the Meat Industry, pooled their efforts to create an accountability system for food drug companies. This eventually became the FDA. Frustrated, Sinclair lamented, “I aimed at the public’s heart, and by accident, I hit it in the stomach.”
With the formation of the FDA came an American tradition of crowdsourcing reform and boycott. As a result, American food standards are meticulously regulated and food horrors are largely a thing of the past. The underlying spirit of reform has taken root. PETA has initiated boycotts on everything from M&M’s and the general use of wool to circuses and rodeos, wool and an entire country: Canada. The humane treatment of animals has become an expectation; anything less is socially disastrous.
However, there remains a “jungle” in America today. With a tradition of reform, it is astonishing that there are those that justify organizations associated with the abortion industry. There are citizens asserting that alternative services offered by organizations like Planned Parenthood justify murder.
Americans would never patronize a restaurant serving cats and dogs on dinner. No, those animals are pets, and we want them in our families, not on our plate. Nonetheless, children lose their lives to abortion daily in the grind of abortion mills. Furthermore, Planned Parenthood embodies back alley butchery in the form of its founder: Margaret Sanger.
A profoundly racist woman, Sanger once wrote in a letter “it must not get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” (5) She was effective: one-quarter of the upcoming African American generation has been aborted. (6) And the mill churns on: one Oregon hospital has been cited for using the bodies of aborted children to heat hospitals. (7) In another horrifying instance, harvested unborn children were used by Summer Camp children for dissection. (8)
On the other hand, privately funded organizations like Carenet, Advice and Aid, and Lighthouse provide all the same services Planned Parenthood, without promoting abortion. Even without the more than over 540 million dollars in federal funding that Planned Parenthood receives yearly, (9) pregnancy centers now outnumber abortion clinics 4:1. (10)
The United States recently hosted an Upton Sinclair moment by publishing a collection of video’s documenting the founders of the Planned Parenthood casually discussing the sale of unborn body parts for personal gain. The videos, published by the Center for Medical Progress, highlighted and exposed the atrocities of the abortion practice.
Where is the public outcry that followed unsanitary meatpacking procedures? Will no one stand up and demand that organizations like Planned Parenthood be held accountable?
Perhaps the strangest cultural dilemmas of our day are symptoms of diseased priorities: we have houses of empathy for lobsters, are being urged to abandon Canada, and are told that candy is ludicrous and yet children die by the thousands every day—unsung and legally disregarded.
Astonishingly, only eight pages of Sinclair’s Jungle were about the abuses of the Meat Packing Industry. The other 467 pages were the lost thoughts of his desire for a socialist reform. If eight pages of a Socialist Manifesto can be the catalyst to define a culture, then your voice can be the hinge on which the door of social change can pivot.
Write your pro-child manifesto, today. Don’t let the jungle of Planned Parenthood organizations continue their gruesome meat packing monstrosities Let’s raise the outcry that prompts America to be so revolted by Sanger’s racism, to be gripped with grief at the mish-mashing of murdered minorities, and so reviled at the harvested horrors that not only are their stomachs hit, but their hearts are forever changed.



(1) Lobster Empathy: http://news.mainetoday.com/updates/028151.html
(2) https://www.livescience.com/34438-drug-side-effects.html
(3) History of the FDA: https://www.fda.gov/aboutfda/whatwedo/history/origin/ucm054819.htm
(4) The Jungle Description: http://www.crf-usa.org/bill-of-rights-in-action/bria-24-1-b-upton-sinclairs-the-jungle-muckraking-the-meat-packing-industry.html
(5) Margaret Sanger Racist Quote: https://genius.com/Margaret-sanger-letter-from-margaret-sanger-to-dr-cj-gamble-annotated
(6) 1/4 of A. Americans aborted: http://abort73.com/abortion/abortion_and_race/
(7) Oregon Hospital
(8) using Fetal Brains for Summer Camp: https://www.liveaction.org/news/abortion-clinic-provided-whole-brains-for-summer-camp/
(9) Planned Parenthood gets 540 million plus in gov’t money: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/barbara-boland/planned-parenthood-got-5406-million-government-grants-fy-2013
(10) Crisis pregnancy centers 4:1 to abortion clinics: http://www.lifenews.com/2016/08/23/did-you-know-that-for-every-abortion-clinic-there-are-4-pregnancy-centers-helping-women/