The World Must Not Forget

The smoke is still rising in gruff billows just beyond the towns. The strain of life is passing by in daily monotony. The gray blur of people is fading as the dreariness drags on into the black picture of late 1940s Germany. As the reporters creep like ants across what remains of the beautiful Eastern European lands, one question resounds: “Why did you do nothing?” When the smoke smothered the sun like the thickness of night, when the smell infected the air like spreading of disease, when the screams rung in the ears like the march of death, why did you do nothing? There was a picture of murder so horrendous that it seared the eyes of a people a sky away. There was a stench of death so strong that it intoxicated the nostrils of those on another continent. There was a scream of helplessness so heinous that it echoed in a peoples’ ears across an ocean. This sight, smell, and sound summoned undaunted journalists to unravel the mystery of the apathy during the holocaust.

The resounding answers to their questions were lack of money, lack of time, and lack of knowledge on what to do. One reporter for the New York Times identified, “One thing is certain already. We shall find very few Germans who will admit any such knowledge and fewer still who will admit any responsibility whatever or show any penitence.” Though they saw, smelled, heard, and thus knew, they did nothing to stop the murder of millions of innocent people.

Today I write to summon you. Realize the holocaust of our time—the murder of the unborn. See the victims as they cringe from their murderers, smell the stench of death as it waifs from the abortion clinics, hear the cry of the unborn as it is smothered from them. Millions of actual people are victims to abortion every single year all around the world. I call you to awaken and join me in the struggle to end abortion. Stand up today and fight this battle so that when the question of apathy is posed to you, you can say, “I gave my all, I fought the fight, I did everything within my power to end this wrong.”